The Insanity of Everyday Life....
So, it's been a while since I last posted... my computer crashed... lets just say it's a dinosaur...When I turn on the computer, I can go brew a cup of tea before it's ready to log on to my page. I log it on to my page and then I can go to the bathroom and get back just as it is finished loading my settings. When I want to go on line... it takes 5 minutes from pushing "dial" to when I am actually free to surf... It's an aged arthritic computer, but it is better than nothing. Sure, when you go to the library, man that computer flies!!!! You blink and you miss something! You can listen to music on aol music! and word process! and IM! and Surf! ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! but my computer has MY settings on it...My favorites... My fonts... MYMYMYMY, some day I'll invest in a new computer... and then my beautiful daughter welly will DOWNLOAD a zillion things and age my computer again... ah well, it does what I need it to do for now... why should I complain... even though it is insisting AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN that I need to shut it off so it can automatically update stuff that made it crash last time.
Yes I am computer illiterate... I accidentally found the automatic update thingy when I was looking for my calculator that dissapeared off my desktop... so I stopped the automatic up dates, but it has already updated something and keeps interupting me to tell me that I need to shut the computer off so it can update and I don't want it to update because the last time it updated it discovered that I am using a borrowed version of microsoft {:-0 and in a month the whole thing went cablooey! AND I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND MY CALCULATOR...
Does any one out there remember in highschool, taking computer programming and learning basic? I don't remember all the key words anymore, but I am sure it would help... So for now, I will continue on living in fear of turning off my computer... maybe *Justice* would know what to do? Does he speak anything but Ruby? (or am I showing my complete computer ignorance by even asking that question?) Dont laugh too hard
Yes I am computer illiterate... I accidentally found the automatic update thingy when I was looking for my calculator that dissapeared off my desktop... so I stopped the automatic up dates, but it has already updated something and keeps interupting me to tell me that I need to shut the computer off so it can update and I don't want it to update because the last time it updated it discovered that I am using a borrowed version of microsoft {:-0 and in a month the whole thing went cablooey! AND I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND MY CALCULATOR...
Does any one out there remember in highschool, taking computer programming and learning basic? I don't remember all the key words anymore, but I am sure it would help... So for now, I will continue on living in fear of turning off my computer... maybe *Justice* would know what to do? Does he speak anything but Ruby? (or am I showing my complete computer ignorance by even asking that question?) Dont laugh too hard
At 10:06 AM,
Mrs. Loquacious said…
I'll ask. He might. My comp has been slowing down recently due to some new installs taking up a LOT of memory and just lagging my poor system, so I went and uninstalled all the programs that I barely/rarely use, REBOOTED the whole shebang, and now it's back to its more-speedy self.
Hubbs taught me to use CTRL+ALT+DEL (pressed only once) to show my processes and how much memory/space each one is taking up, and I was pretty surprised to see just how much juice my internet browser even takes up!
I think you have to consider what type of computer you have, though, and what the memory is, etc.
You should totally ask your daughter to uninstall programs she no longer uses, and if she downloads music using something like Kazaa, maybe that needs to go. My Kazaa wreaked all sorts of havoc on my last computer (which was old and still ran Windows 98)!
But I'm with you. Computer problems suck and stress me right out.
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