My kids come up with the craziest comments in the midst of conversation. Maybe it’s the Irish sense of humor, but the last couple of nights we have been just rolling in laughter at the dinner table.
It all starts as toddlers, when their beginning to talk and understand how to tell us things. I can still vividly remember my oldest daughter walking in as a two year old with her papa’s boots and work gloves on (mind you the boots went up to her hips and the gloves to her elbows) and announced “look mama! I’m a man!”
Or the argument between my two oldest (oldest son and daughter) having an argument in the back seat of the car as we drove somewhere.
“is so…” she says
“is not…” he says
“Is so!” she says
“Is not!” he says
“Wohwee! Don’t you contwadict me!” she bellows
“Contwadict, contwadict, contwadict.” he replies in a singsong voice.
But as they have gotten older the comments have gotten more hilarious. Like the child who complained that we always made the bath water too hot, “don’t you know I’m sensible!” or the son who always mispronounces words. “mama? Have you ever read Haiti?” “No, what’s that?” “oh some book about a girl who has to live with her grandpa in some Swiss village or something” “you mean Heidi?” “No, Haiti.”
But two nights ago, we got the cream of the crop as we discussed new busses and the new features in a brand new bus. Mr. “Haiti” announced “our bus is SO new it still smells like Home Depot!”
I almost died laughing.
It all starts as toddlers, when their beginning to talk and understand how to tell us things. I can still vividly remember my oldest daughter walking in as a two year old with her papa’s boots and work gloves on (mind you the boots went up to her hips and the gloves to her elbows) and announced “look mama! I’m a man!”
Or the argument between my two oldest (oldest son and daughter) having an argument in the back seat of the car as we drove somewhere.
“is so…” she says
“is not…” he says
“Is so!” she says
“Is not!” he says
“Wohwee! Don’t you contwadict me!” she bellows
“Contwadict, contwadict, contwadict.” he replies in a singsong voice.
But as they have gotten older the comments have gotten more hilarious. Like the child who complained that we always made the bath water too hot, “don’t you know I’m sensible!” or the son who always mispronounces words. “mama? Have you ever read Haiti?” “No, what’s that?” “oh some book about a girl who has to live with her grandpa in some Swiss village or something” “you mean Heidi?” “No, Haiti.”
But two nights ago, we got the cream of the crop as we discussed new busses and the new features in a brand new bus. Mr. “Haiti” announced “our bus is SO new it still smells like Home Depot!”
I almost died laughing.
At 1:16 PM,
Mrs. Loquacious said…
Hilarity! I like listening to kids talk a lot more than listening to adults talk on some days. Kids are so brutally honest, and also naively funny.
One day when I have tots I'll be collecting anecdotes for sure, for a book I'm certain I will write someday far far in the future.
At 5:14 AM,
Wynn said…
Write it down, DEFINATELY. Some of the stuff they did I've already forgotten, but other stuff I wrote down and find on occasion and laugh all over again!
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