
Saturday, September 16, 2006

The beginning of a new season

The geese have been winging over our home to the lake across the street, gathering and then flying off to warmer climes. The grackles have been covering our lawn with their squawking little selves, eating as many bugs and seeds as their little bodies can hold in an hour and then swarming off to the next yard. THE MOSQUITOES ARE ALMOST ALL DEAD!!!! The weather is cooler, more snuggling under pounds of blankets. The wood pile is growing, a little late this year, but a friend has a friend who works in a place that builds furniture and we are getting their kiln dried oak scraps... oh my... a whole dump truck so far today and the girls and I stacked it all while Himself is at work (the poor man) and the boys were off doing boy stuff... When they got back we were done, so we made them do the house work (yes!!!).

Soon it will be chilly enough to get a nice crackling fire going and curl up with Himself on the couch and drink tea and talk/giggle/whisper/flirt/snuggle (I rearranged the furniture in the front room this week to take full advantage of the fireplace this fall). Perfect weather for bonfires (in the summer it is just way too hot for that)

I love the first few weeks of cool weather, and then it gets serious with the whole wear-your-coat business and I'm ready for spring again!

But for now... I'm dreaming peaceful things for the next week or so.


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