
Friday, October 20, 2006

Retirement test run

I love my husband. Let's get that said up front. I love the man to peices!

*BUT* he is starting to drive me crazy. He has been out of work for three weeks because of chest pains and has been talking almost non-stop.

FOR THE FIRST TWO WEEKS I WAS OK WITH THAT~ I was getting kind of tired of spending 7 hours a day by myself, it gets pretty lonely around here with just me and the dogs and cats) its just that we jumped from that to absolutely no time to myself for three weeks... funny but today I actually got time to myself... about three hours... and for some reason I am just that much grumpier about the whole thing.

He goes back to work monday. and I start work the monday after that... so much for "mytime". It kind of reminds me of a cs lewis book I read once where a witch tells the children that there is a castle up ahead with a warm fire and good food. It takes them all day to get there and the whole time they are absolutely miserable from cold and hunger because they were anticipating the food and warmth. So here I am grumpy because I am anticipating being lonely again?

It does make me realize that he and I are going to have to come up with a retirement plan, or we won't survive it! (technically I don't think anyone ever does...?)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Kenny's Cabin!

Looks like I'm going to enjoy Himself close at hand for a couple more weeks... oh my, Its kinda nice (except that I haven't had time to myself for two weeks!)And yesterday he asked a fellow at Church if I wasn't the most beautiful woman on the planet and Clark said "second, I'm married to the most beautiful one"... which is only natural...

anyhow. Kenny's cabin has not been feminized in two years... let me explain. Kenny is a hillbilly... who hates country... and LOVES GUNS... he just happens to have a cabin in southern ohio where he camps and hunts, etc... Kenny LOVES to tease people... and he always gets away with it, cause he's bigger than everybody else... but he ALSO has a wife. and she and I are buddies... and WE clean the cabin every so often (wash curtains, sheets, blankets, towels, etc... sweep it out and so on) Two years ago, Kenny finally completed the building of the cabin, so Wifey and I go on down there directly before hunting season (with a couple of kids and a goat in tow) and we prepared the cabin for the season, frilly curtains, flowers, kitten calendar, flower pictures... as much "girly" stuff as we could manage (we even got his mother in on this!)... I think most of that stuff was burned in effagy... So... it's been two years... he thinks he's safe... mwahahaha
He is planning on taking a visiting Russian church elder (ok, so hes like 25, but there aren't many elder christians in Russia)down there this weekend for some shooting and what not... Looks like its time to strike!
I've been grinning for two hours... Wifey is going to talk to me tomorrow and decide if it is plausible... we both have time on our hands... idle hands are the devils workshop they say.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Wife of a mediphobe

Himself doesn't like doctors. Never has. But last tuesday when I picked him up at work he said, "I'm having chest pains, you'd better take me to the hospital..." and then fell asleep in the seat. I took him to the hospital, but not the one our insurance likes because Himself's sister died because of medical mismanagement at that hospital. The hospital admitted him, did tests, and then started talking about insurance... and things insurance doesn't like to cover, like heart catheterization at the wrong hospital. Himself (under alot of stress as he is hooked to heart leads, with an IV in his arm, missing work when we are behind on bills, and being told that we are at the wrong hospital and will probably be charged 40% of a possibly $100,000 procedure if he needs angioplasty) pulled the leads off, yanked out his IV and walked out of the hospital because he refused to build up debt that he couldn't pay... After a week of run around including being scheduled for two doctors appointments accross town from each other both at 10:45 am on the same day... it comes down to a heart specialist saying, "I don't think we will find anything during the catheterization, but you still need it done and I can't do it till you've had a physical with your regular physician because you haven't seen him in a while and the insurance REQUIRES you to be referred by the physician... call me when you have the referral in your hand..." So he gets to see his regular physician on Thursday, they will back date the referral, and hopefully we will get this all in our hands by Friday so he can have the procedure done and get back to work on monday... And me? well, I am in the back of my heart hoping that they actually find a little something (fixable). why? because if they don't find anything, Himself will NEVER tell me again when he is having chest pains and may, someday, drop dead "without warning" because he doesn't trust doctors to really help anyone. Just doing expensive procedures to get money out of people who don't have any.
Needless to say, it has been an incredibly stresful week... sigh