
Saturday, December 16, 2006


For all of you who Love Vulcans and truely believe STILL that THERE SHOULD BE NO KLINGONS IN THE FEDERATION!!!! a little disturbing images for you...

Of Junior Highers and the Atomic Age

If you put 15 Junior Highers in a 12X20 room for 1 1/2 hours, can you reach critical mass in that amount of time? Can you cause Nuclear Fussion? I think so. Especially if you add a Johnny into the mix. Johnny is the catalyst. So, 14 Junior Highers, a Johnny, and 1 1/2 hours. Who needs physics?

(Welly just asked what a catalyst is... so for those of you who aren't sure: A catalyst is the ingredient that multiplies the effect of the brew... for example- sugar is the catalyst for coffee... coffee doesn't have the same effect on your system without sugar added, sugar is the catalyst for caffeine, it causes the hyper shakes and energy to multiply exponentially. That is why you don't see many sugar free energy drinks... it's got to have sugar to work)

Johnny+enclosed space+boys+time=ENERGY (J+S+B+T=E TO THE WHAT POWER?)(Look Welly, A FORMULA!!!)

Here's to the Johnnies of this world! May you increase the energy of those around you everywhere you go!

God Bless You!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


So I just read a friends blog (can you call someone a friend whom you only know by blog? I dunno, but she loves Jesus and doesn't put nasty stuff on her blog, so I'll call her an Ifriend, as apposed to an Ibuddy because those are the ones I really know on the internet... anyhow~), She is studying to become a teacher and needing motivation... so here it goes~

L~ don't forget WHY you want to be a teacher. Although the student with a 2.2 gpa gets the same certificate as the student with the 4.0, who will in the long run be the better teacher (and don't you dare analys the structure of that sentence or run a spell check on me!).

Currently my daughter Welly has a history teacher who claims to be ADHD. At the beginning of the year she told the students that their homework every night was to read one section of their history book, they'd have a test at the end of each chapter. She lectures in rabbit trails that the kids struggle to follow, and randomly announces homework at the end of class when half of the students are out the door, she also "teaches" historical "facts" or "definitions" that I bluntly tell my daughter are wrong or misleading... (For instance: "flappers were girls who wanted to wear short skirts and low necklines and go against the social norms"... well, although flappers were girls who wore indecent clothing according to the standard of the day, they also danced indecently when most couples hardly touched when dancing, smoked in a time when women didn't smoke, drank when it was illegal, and some even slept around in a time when your reputation was all you had... I suppose you could call that "going against the social norms", but watering it all down so that it wasn't that big of a deal isn't what history is about. History is about learning from our mistakes so that we don't make them again... sorry, I'll get off my soap box... it just would be that HISTORY is the subject being mistaught here... if I were a teacher, I'd teach history... I just love it!!!) Anyhow, my straight A student is currently holding a C in history... maybe I should sit down with her to help her learn it since I love it so much! MEANWHILE Lala our neighbor has a different teacher and is getting good grades in history and REMEMBERING history (which is a big deal for Lala... no dis and she knows it)

The good news for the students in our schools is that the school has implemented a new hiring plan which includes a practice lesson with students and administrators looking on. A prospective teacher has to prepare and teach a lesson to student volunteers while being observed... sounds frightening... but at least it will weed out some of those 2.2 grads.

Do the best you can L, our future as a nation (both US and Canada, eh) depend on the EXCELLENCE of our teachers. Wouldn't it be nice if they hired teachers by their grade point average and experience... hmmm but then would the inner city kids get stuck with the 2.2's? that's another soap box for another day!


Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Insanity of Everyday Life....

So, it's been a while since I last posted... my computer crashed... lets just say it's a dinosaur...When I turn on the computer, I can go brew a cup of tea before it's ready to log on to my page. I log it on to my page and then I can go to the bathroom and get back just as it is finished loading my settings. When I want to go on line... it takes 5 minutes from pushing "dial" to when I am actually free to surf... It's an aged arthritic computer, but it is better than nothing. Sure, when you go to the library, man that computer flies!!!! You blink and you miss something! You can listen to music on aol music! and word process! and IM! and Surf! ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! but my computer has MY settings on it...My favorites... My fonts... MYMYMYMY, some day I'll invest in a new computer... and then my beautiful daughter welly will DOWNLOAD a zillion things and age my computer again... ah well, it does what I need it to do for now... why should I complain... even though it is insisting AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN that I need to shut it off so it can automatically update stuff that made it crash last time.

Yes I am computer illiterate... I accidentally found the automatic update thingy when I was looking for my calculator that dissapeared off my desktop... so I stopped the automatic up dates, but it has already updated something and keeps interupting me to tell me that I need to shut the computer off so it can update and I don't want it to update because the last time it updated it discovered that I am using a borrowed version of microsoft {:-0 and in a month the whole thing went cablooey! AND I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND MY CALCULATOR...

Does any one out there remember in highschool, taking computer programming and learning basic? I don't remember all the key words anymore, but I am sure it would help... So for now, I will continue on living in fear of turning off my computer... maybe *Justice* would know what to do? Does he speak anything but Ruby? (or am I showing my complete computer ignorance by even asking that question?) Dont laugh too hard