
Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I have been thinking for several months about addictions.

If one has a drinking problem, one stops drinking~ DONE~OVER~not easy mind you, but do able.

If one has a smoking problem, one stops smoking~ DONE~OVER~not easy either, but still do able.

Same thing with pornography, lying, stealing, obsessive shopping, and so on and so on.

My question is: what does one do when the problem is eating? One can't just STOP EATING!!! cold turkey~done~over~dead... so what do you do if you have an addiction to food? if you find yourself constantly thinking about food, constantly eating? How do you in a sense Stop eating? I AM a food addict... (hi, my name is wynn and I'm a food addict... hi wynn)

This has been my focus of thought for a couple of months now, I saw my dad kick alchohol and my mom kick smoking, and my brothers kick drugs. And after lots of thought, prayer, and some research I think I have come up with a plan for me to kick eating...

It starts simply with prayer. Jesus knows I can't do this on my own! Not just me praying for me, but I asked himself to pray for me too, I don't have the courage to ask anyone else... this won't be the first new year I've started a "new diet".

Then I figured out how many calories I really Need, really.

Then I picked out a menu of foods that I like, but aren't exactly exciting. Just healthy and filling, trying to get in a good balance of protein, extremely low to no fat, high fiber, fruit and veggies, a little dairy, and at least 2 quarts of water a day.

absolutely NO ADDED SUGAR...

The menu is simple, home prepared, and the exact same things for every meal every day (BORING!) and I think that is the key... when I finally get bored with this menu, and my stomach has shrunk down to where I'm not hungry all the time, and I can go through most of a day and then say "oh, I forgot to eat lunch..." then I may be ready to add something else in or switch an item or something.

So far... three days... it has been a battle! Food is everywhere! when I can't stand it anymore I hop in the car and go to Walmart or something and they all have restaurants in them anymore with greasy food smells floating through the store!!! Everywhere I look there is something... and the Enemy of our souls whispers things like ~why don't you just get a diet pop or something... it's diet isn't it?~ and so I remind myself that the point is not "diet" it is bland and boring! I am supposed to get bored with the food! or ~why not have a banana with your snack instead of an apple, Isn't half a banana equal to a small apple?~ which of course is NOT the point.

Next week I'll add 15 minutes of exercise every day... EVERY DAY, not this three times a week stuff that is great for people who won't walk away from it on day two and never come back...

I have about 95 to lose, Lord willing.