Important thoughts on James Bond
I'd like to think that people will read what I have to write because it is interesting or important. But the likelihood of anyone ever noticing that this little blog is out here is pretty slim... I hate the idea of telling everyone that I know that I have yet another blog out there in the ether world, and so I won't. This little spot will be dedicated to my most excellent and important thoughts on whatever I happen to be thinking about when I post! And if anyone out there reads it... cool.
So today I am thinking about James Bond and why we have thought he is so totally wonderful all these years. And in particular why it is we women have been convinced that Sean Connery (or Roger Moore, or Peirce Bronson, or whats his name...) have such tremendous appeal? The more I think about it the more I realize that we have seen them hop into bed with every female they come across and so we believe there must be something to that. That somehow casual sex equals appeal, that lust equals manliness, and that if we could look that good in a bikini (or our underwear) then we'd find the manly men bashing down our doors and sweeping us off our feet.
But if you stop to think of it, James killed half the women he slept with, and abandoned half of the ones he didn't kill, and the quarter that was left were either killed by the enemy or kept with him till the credits rolled, only to never be seen again. Only the best of the bad guys got to come back for another movie, and Moneypenny. And did the faithfullness of Moneypenny ever pay off in the end? I don't think so. I think she ended up thinking "If only I looked that good in a bikini...". Certainly James never noticed.
Sure he had cool gadgets! (that the other guy made) and he was quick on his feet and seemed to know everything about everything. I won't deny that. James Bond is cool. Definately. He's just not all that AND the bag of chips, too. I suppose my main point is that he never was totally wonderful like I grew up believing. The man all us girls wanted. So ROMANTIC!(yuck!) Reguardless of how cool he was, I'd never date a guy like that if you paid me! So ends this days thoughts on James Bond!
thanks for reading.
So today I am thinking about James Bond and why we have thought he is so totally wonderful all these years. And in particular why it is we women have been convinced that Sean Connery (or Roger Moore, or Peirce Bronson, or whats his name...) have such tremendous appeal? The more I think about it the more I realize that we have seen them hop into bed with every female they come across and so we believe there must be something to that. That somehow casual sex equals appeal, that lust equals manliness, and that if we could look that good in a bikini (or our underwear) then we'd find the manly men bashing down our doors and sweeping us off our feet.
But if you stop to think of it, James killed half the women he slept with, and abandoned half of the ones he didn't kill, and the quarter that was left were either killed by the enemy or kept with him till the credits rolled, only to never be seen again. Only the best of the bad guys got to come back for another movie, and Moneypenny. And did the faithfullness of Moneypenny ever pay off in the end? I don't think so. I think she ended up thinking "If only I looked that good in a bikini...". Certainly James never noticed.
Sure he had cool gadgets! (that the other guy made) and he was quick on his feet and seemed to know everything about everything. I won't deny that. James Bond is cool. Definately. He's just not all that AND the bag of chips, too. I suppose my main point is that he never was totally wonderful like I grew up believing. The man all us girls wanted. So ROMANTIC!(yuck!) Reguardless of how cool he was, I'd never date a guy like that if you paid me! So ends this days thoughts on James Bond!
thanks for reading.
At 12:29 PM,
Mrs. Loquacious said…
I am not a Bond fan, although I *am* a Pierce Brosnan fan and thus watched the Pierce-based Bond films a few times.
The Bond character is dashing and charming and handsome and sexually-satisfying, not to mention smart, forward-thinking, and great with all technology. For those things we are supposed to admire him and fawn over him.
I do no such thing. He is to me the consommate misogynist-narcissist, and it gives me a sick thrill to see Bond get humbled (even if he does end up "winning" at the end of the movie). Of course, a movie about Bond falling in love, not beating the bad guys, and getting tamed by his woman likely doesn't make for a good series of action-thriller movies (but good for romantic comedies).
Bond is probably every man's fantasty - they want to BE him. Ugh.
At 6:42 PM,
Wynn said…
Sorry, never got into Pierce Bronson. He never was very believable (to me anyway)... I sometimes wonder if the books are anything like the movies. Did you know that Ian Fleming was a spy?
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